The Orthodox Church is the society of faithful Christians, founded by Our Lady Jesus Christ on the Faith of the Twelve Apostles, who live united by the same doctrine, by the law of God, by the divinely instituted hierarchy and by the practice of the Sacraments, and who obey the Canon Pastors.

The Orthodox Church has the authentic doctrine of Christ, as it came from his lips and was preached by the apostles in the first century of the Christian era, back in Palestine; it practices its commandments, lives the life of the grace that he left us through his death and sacraments, waits in eternal life, follows the teachings of the 7 Ecumenical Councils and remains closely united with its pastors, the Orthodox priests and bishops, who are the direct descendants of the Apostles. It only recognizes as the sole and eternal head of the Church Our Lady Jesus Christ who guides us, teaches us and saves us. She is the depositary of the N.S.J. Doctrine and continues her saving and loving work all over the earth. God promised his Church the assistance of the Holy Spirit so as not to fall or teach error, and his permanence in it until the consummation of the centuries.
The Church continues the work begun by Jesus Christ, extending over time and extending the Presence of the Incarnate Word in space. Through Her, divine life is communicated to souls. She is the Mystical Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22; Col. 1:24).

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